Jewish Talmud


Today’s Japanese recommended book is Jewish Talmud by Kanji Ishizumi.


Who is Kanji Ishizumi

Actually, I haven’t known him before I read this. He graduated from one of the smartest universities in Japan then he works as an international lawyer.

He changed his nationality including to Jewish by several severe training and tests which I have never heard of before. What makes him have the adoration is very interesting for us and I will explain a bit what it is.

What I can learn?

There is so much good learning with storytelling.

  1. No pain, No gain
  2. From dust to dust
  3. Wisdom is most valuable
  4. Eat poorly, think richly
  5. Change your point of view
  6. Bad thing will happen, be prepared
  7. Never give up until the end of your life

No pain, No gain

If you want to achieve something, you need to decide what you will exchange.

No pain, no gain.

From dust to dust

We all were born from dust and will have to dust eventually. So objects and money are not the most important.

Wisdom is most valuable. What you can give for your child as the most valuable thing is wisdom. No one can take from your children and they can use entire their life.

Eat poorly, think richly

 If you eat richly, you will be poor. Don’t forget hungry split. Think richly is steady life.

Change your point of view

Even it looks unfair, only God knows the truth.

Think deeply about what does it mean.

Bad thing will happen but might prevent you from the worst case.

Bad things will happen, be prepared, think RISK

Don’t forget bad things will happen 100% sometime for everyone. So you need to know the fact and prepare for any case.

Always think about RISKs and counter methods.

Also, it looks like a bad thing but it might be better for you if you change your point of view.

Never give up until the end of your life

No one can take your life from you except for god.

Never give up until the end. There are ways if you think.


I feel the author loves Jewish too much. But even though, at many points we can learn from their wisdom even we are not Jewish.

The important thing is we should try in our real life for even little things from tomorrow.

