All you need is 1% EFFORT


Hi, there.

Lifehack philosophy from Japanese business book. Today, let me explain “1% EFFORT” written by HIROYUKI who is Japanese famous achiever with internet business.



Hiroyuki is a Japanese famous achiever who develop many web services such as Niconico video, 2ch/4ch BBS, etc. He lives in France and his youtube channel is one of the most famous channels in Japan recently.

What I can learn?

  1. EFFORT is not alwasy right. You need to find out how to win at the end.
  2. No, I don’t need egg stand.
  3. If you want to skip work, it is ok. You should start to think about how you can skip but get excellent result.
  4. All good and bad thing would be pub topic after years.

1. EFFORT is no alwasy right. You need to find out how to win at the end.

If you want to be rich but you are doing the part-time job with a $15 hourly rate at fast food restaurant, you might not be able to be rich even you take so much effort.

What you need is to find a way to win at the end.

Majority Game is one example. There are 100 players and 7 groups. Each player can go to any team. Most majority groups win and they can decide King from their team.

After divided into 7 groups. Group A is 40. B is 25. C is 15. D is 10. E is 5. F is 3. G is 2. Group A is the majority. But if groups B, C, D, and E agree to become one, BCDE union exceeds group A. Group A tries to make Union with F and G. But still can’t beat BCDE union. Then, group D says, “if we can’t choice King from our team, we will go to AFG union.”

The result is group D won even they only have 10 players at the first.

This sounds stupid story but actually kind of the same things happened when we choose our prime ministor in 1993, Japan.

What you need is not trying to gather many players but how to win at the end.

2. No, I don’t need egg stand

Do you know egg stand? Actually, I don’t have one and I don’t think I need it. Some rich people might have it. Do you feel poor if you don’t have an egg stand? The answer is might be not because you can live without this. But we sometimes feel poor if we don’t have something which our friends have even we don’t need it. When you feel kind the same feeling, let’s remember about the egg stand.

3. If you want to skip work, it is ok. You need to start to think about how you an skip but get an excellent result.

If you want to skip work, you have the ability to be successful. You just need to think about how you can skip but get an excellent result. If you are really good at hard work, you might not need to think about this. But many people are not. So if you don’t like hard work, don’t worry. This is the start line of using your brain.

4. All good and bad thing would be put topic after years.

There are many good things and bad things in your life for all people. You can talk about these things as a pub topic after a couple of years. So, don’t worry about if some bad things happen to you, I just get a new pub topic in near future.


if you don’t like hard work, don’t worry about it. The more important thing is thinking about how to get good results for YOU. You don’t always need what other people have.

All you need is 1% effort to think about this and 99% of the idea.

My personal feelings

Many people say effort is always beautiful and great. But in fact, if you don’t have a good idea, you might not be successful. Personally, I’m kind of a hard worker but I might need to stop and think about the final result and what is happy for me.

